Not Just a Photograph.
Photography  is really  powerful. Especially, when it captures a story, product, or idea.  Over the last year, I’ve had the fortunate opportunity to work with Tom Robertson.  I can credit Tom for the image above of Big S…

Not Just a Photograph.

Photography  is really  powerful. Especially, when it captures a story, product, or idea.  Over the last year, I’ve had the fortunate opportunity to work with Tom Robertson.  I can credit Tom for the image above of Big Sky Brewing Company’sLinsey Corbin, Montana Made Ale.  As a side, not just a beer either:

  1. Can design matches Linsey’s custom Scott Plasma 3.
  2. Special release for 70.3 and Ironman World Championships.
  3. Travels in my luggage, 200 lbs at a time.
  4. Tastes delicious.

Yes, I could have taken a picture on my  phone, but that’s exactly why I chose not to and exactly why I’m a fan of Tom’s work. It’s not just a photograph.