We’ve surpassed the 100-day mark of 2019, and this post is holding myself accountable for my ten habit madness to kick off the new year. Here’s a link to original post, and here’s how it went down.
I documented every day with pencil and paper.
I only made it 52 days before eliminating six of the habits from my system.
I was either doing these every single day (Walk 10, Water 10, Schedule 10, Sugar 10, Fast 10, ) or was failing (coffee 10). Yes, I drank coffee every day. This article on the health benefits of coffee didn’t help.
So, let’s talk about the other four habits.
Yoga 10
I scored 85 of 100 days with a Yoga session. Granted some of the days were a mere five minutes and some of the days reached an hour. Mobility will remain a priority in 2019. I’m going to shift this focus to 3 days a week of a minimum of 20 minutes and see how this compares to the daily routine.
Mediate 10
I scored 90 of 100 days meditating, and only missed one day in the last 50 days. Mindfulness deserves and will receive a post of its own. I believe a commitment to guided meditation is one of the best decisions of my life. If nothing else came from this 100-day experiment, I’d consider it a huge success based on my meditation habit alone.
“Life is as big or small as we choose to make it. It all depends on our understanding and perception of the limitless nature of mind. ”
Book 10
Thirty days in and I couldn’t tell you a single lesson I learned from my nightly book reading. So I killed it. Once again, confirming my struggle with reading books and my intuition that I battle some form of dyslexia. Books & reading haven't lost their place in my heart. I’m once again shifting my attention to Audible for books and dedicating the last 10 minutes of the day to skimming industry news.
Beer 10
Oh, beautiful beer. As predicted, this was a tough one. The final score settled at 62 of the first 100 days alcohol-free. What’s hopeful is the majority of those days came in the last 50 days. I’m still battling my Irish genes on this one, but have now set my sites on four days a month, one day a week. That’s doable. Right?
In summary, I’m giving myself an atta boy. Habits don’t come easy. Behaviors don’t change fast. I lost some battles, but I won the war. I challenged myself, and I learned.
And I’m doing it again.
Another 100 days developing habits for a better me:
Mobility: yoga daily, 3 days a week 20+ minutes
Move: Walk, run, swim, bike, move 1 hour a day
Eat: alcohol and foods with 4+ ingredients weekly.
Think: read & meditate daily, write monthly.
The previous writing and thinking is inspired by an eclectic group of souls named the Western Writers Society. You can the see the works of the others at mario.to & nurture theory.