11 Reasons to read: Do the Work. 
If you follow me on twitter, you already know I have a small obsession and large fascination with The Domino Project. I like everything about it actually. Everything. Branding, positioning, marketing, design, simpli…

11 Reasons to read: Do the Work. 

If you follow me on twitter, you already know I have a small obsession and large fascination with The Domino Project. I like everything about it actually. Everything. Branding, positioning, marketing, design, simplicity, vision, execution. Everything. I listened to the project’s first release, Poke the Box, and just finished reading the second release Do the Work.

If you haven’t read Do the Work, READ IT.  Why? Highlighted below are 11 reasons why, taken from the pages of the book.

1. Resistance is a repelling force. It’s negagtive. Its aim is to shove us away, distract us, prevent us from doing our work.

2. Is this easy? Hell, no.

3. Don’t stop. Don’t look down. Don’t think.

4. Forget rational thought. Play. Play like a child.

5. Keep working. Keep working. Keep working.

6. Keep working.

7. The opposite of fear is love–love of the challenge, love of the work, the pure joyous passion to take a shot at our dream and see if we can pull it off.

8. A crash means we have failed. We gave it everything we had and we came up short.

9. Fear of success is the essence of resistance.

10. So you’re taking a few blows. That’s the price of being in the arena and not on the sidelines.

11. I stand in awe of anyone who hatches a dream and who shows the guts to hang tough, all alone, and see it through to reality.

One final thank you to Seth Godin and Steven Pressfield. This blog post is possible because you shipped it.  And, yes I’m drinking the KOOL AID.