When you call Corbin Brands (406.531.956), you talk to me, Chris Corbin. When you work with Corbin Brands, you work with me, Chris Corbin. This is by choice, because I love the work and I love the brands I work with. If this sounds like your style, lets talk.
If you need some additional information before talking, I've included my four step branding process below. As you'll see, there is nothing magical about the process. The magic is what the process makes.
1. Listen. The listening process begins with a Digital Branding Questionnaire. This questionnaire is followed by detailed conversations with the management team and an analysis of existing analytics. Listening creates a baseline for brand building and defines the overall branding objectives.
2. Build. The building process includes designing logos, constructing digital assets, establishing messaging channels (e.g. social media), and creating content. Developing digital frameworks and creating content are the backbone of the digital brand.
3. Adapt. The adapting process is critical to the longevity of the brand. All brand channels are constantly measured with qualitative and quantitative metrics. These analytical tools allow reshaping of the brand to better meet branding objectives.
4. Repeat. The digital world is under constant change. This 3-step branding process is repeated–again & again & again–to ensure the brand evolves.